You are the Sh*t!

This is your reminder that you are the SH*T!

Too often, we as women get really excited about new jobs, opportunities, or a man in our lives – especially if it appears to be the very thing we’ve been praying for.

It’s OK to go after what you want, but also allow what you want to come to you and appreciate YOUR presence..

Be grateful for all you have and the possibilities of what’s to come. But also remember for what you bring to the table.

  • You are just as valuable to that company as that company is to you. That company’s bottom line improves because of your skill and talent.
  • You bring just as much the table for that opportunity as that opportunity claims to bring to you. Don’t let that opportunity make you think it’s doing YOU a favor.
  • You have the power to up-level that man’s life just as much as he is able to up-level yours. He should want you in his life as much as you want him in your life.

If you’re ever treated as if you are not the sh*t, you may want to step back and reevaluate that situation or relationship to make sure that this is where you belong. Nothing is worth dimming you light and dulling your shine when you were created to live, walk, and talk in all of your God-given glory!


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