Being Content is not OK

I was asked the question recently “Are you content with where you are in life?”

My knee jerk response was “Yes! Of course I am!” That’s what we are taught, right? To be content with where we are in life. But, is this really the case?

The state of being content is defined as “Satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.”

With this definition is mind, I quickly changed my answer to “No! I am not content!” I am not content because I want more for my life. I desire to be more, to serve more, and to have more. I know that I have not yet reached my full potential as a person nor as a woman. Therefore, I want more and I am not content.

HOWEVER, I am grateful! I am grateful for where I am. I am grateful for who I am today. I am grateful for all that I have today.

The problem that I have with contentment is the overtone of the word. Telling yourself that you are content with life will give you a reason to settle for less than what you want or deserve. Being content can cause you not to strive for more, not grow, and not stretch yourself. Contentment can also cause you to stop believing that your dreams or possible.

Remember, part of being content is “not wanting more or anything else.”

I am not OK with being content. And neither should you!

If you are reading this, God is not done with you yet. God wants you to grow. God wants you to stretch. God wants you to reach for the stars. When you don’t have a desire for more or anything else, you are closed off from receiving what God has for you. Think of it like a package delivery – God wants to deliver more blessings, more love, more money to your front door. But because you don’t want anything else, you won’t be home to open the door (right positioning). Or, if you are home, you’ll “return the package to sender” because you don’t want it . . .

So, instead of being content in life, be grateful for all that you have and all God has done. But continue to strive for more. Continue to seek growth. Continue to use your gifts more powerfully each and every day. Continue to expect God to elevate you in every area of your life.



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