Identity Crisis

Have you ever had a moment where you reacted to something in a way that surprised you? In a way that was not a true reflection of who you are and who you know you could be?

I had that moment a couple of weeks ago. I had a very unexpected and intense “conversation.” (i.e. argument).

As you know, I rarely argue with anyone. Let alone, argue from an emotional place. But here I was, in the midst of this heated discussion, emotions all over the place.

Anger. Frustration. Fear.

These feelings lingered into the next day. And it wasn’t until someone close to me said “Sherica, this is so unlike you. This is not the woman that I know you to be.” I had to step back and admit that I was an emotional wreck – responding to others and talking to myself and God from a place of fear.

And in so many words, she was reminded to remember who the F I am.

*I am fearless. I have nothing to fear. What belongs to me is for me and there is nothing I can do to stop God from blessing me.

*I am valuable.  And if someone can’t see my value or want to take advantage of my value, they don’t need nor deserve to be in my life.

*I am strong. Nothing can overtake me. There is nothing new under the sun. No matter what challenges or attacks may come my way, God always has solution or a way out.

*I am not just a drop in the ocean. I am the entire ocean in one drop.**drops mic**

I know that I am a vessel of God. God’s power is constantly flowing to me, through me, and all around me. I am never without God, therefore I am never powerless. So instead going through life being led by my unpredictable feelings and my emotions, I move through life being led by my steadfast spirit.

My challenge to you this week is to remember who you are AT ALL TIMES. Write it on the mirror so you can see it every morning. Write it in your notebook so you can look at it periodically throughout your work day. Write it on a note card and tape it to your steering wheel so you can be reminded, even while you’re driving.

If you don’t constantly remind yourself of the powerful, strong, valuable, emotionally-solid, and spiritually  led person that you are, the world will tell you who it thinks you should be – weak, apologetic, always compromising, never good enough, pleasing to men, etc.

I will tell you this – it is much easier to live up to your true and authentic self than it is to try to live down to the standards that your boss, your boyfriend, social media, and the rest of the world sets for you.

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