How To Clear Your Mental Blocks

What is a mental block? A mental block is an experience that you have where you know that you need to do something, but for reasons that you can’t pinpoint, you just won’t. This goes beyond procrastination and simple fear. Your mental blocks are rooted in your beliefs (true or false), desire for the easy road, and the desire for perfection.

Mental blocks can happen to any of us at any time when we are faced with accomplishing professional goals and deadlines, personal desires, and relationships goals.

So, how do your move past your mental blocks? You can move past them using the same method I used to move past my own mental blocks.

The only way to find answers is to ask questions. As always, go to God first and ask him to reveal to what you what’s holding you back. Then, make time to go somewhere where you can think and take notes. The last time I pushed past a mental block, I asked God to reveal to me what was holding me back for over a week. But the revelation didn’t come until I was sitting in Subway having lunch as I asked myself some very specific questions:

  1. What’s stopping me from starting?This is another way of asking – what do I want right now that would make feel like I’m ready to get started? In a perfect world, what do I need to know, who do I need to know, and what do I need to have to make me feel comfortable enough to start and accomplish my goal?Here are some things that may pop up for you. . .- I don’t want to make the same mistakes from my past
    – I feel overwhelmed
    – I want a foolproof and proven system/guide to tell me exactly what I need to do, step by step
    – I just want to get it right
  2. What mistakes did I make in the past?Chances are, you have done something similar to what you need to do today. Now, it’s time to write our those mistakes AND what you learned from them. Some mistakes that may pop up for you are:- I was focused on the wrong things
    – I did not follow my gut
    – I was focused on too many things
    – I was being selfishNow that you have brought your mistakes to the forefront, they are fresh in your mind so that you won’t unconsciously make those same mistakes again.
  3. What worked for me in the past?Now, start thinking about what has worked for you in the past and if those things aligned with person you are today.One thing that worked for me in the past when it came to exercise was working out at home. However, when I tried to do this in this current phase of my life, I discovered that group cycling classes work better for me.Taking what you know worked for you in the past and making adjustments for who you are today will help you jump start your work.
  4. Be open.This really isn’t a question, but a state of being. As you go through the previous questions and answers, allow room for diving inspiration to reveal to you what’s holding you back and what you need to do to get started.What’s often true for me is that I am overcomplicating things or I am trying to do things that way other people are doing them. But, by remaining open to divine inspiration, I often discover that I have what I need not only to get started on a goal, but to be successful at it. And the path to get from where I am to where I want to be is often much simpler than what I imagined.

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