Decide. Commit. Change. Succeed.

Just say NO to resolutions. Resolutions do not work because we do not create a tangible action plan to achieve the goals we had in mind at the beginning of the year. Oftentimes, we create a list of things we want to accomplish, but very rarely do we actually create a plan to do it.

“Decide. Commit. Succeed.” This is the tagline from and it is something we all can apply to our lives. But I would change it a little to say “Decide. Commit. Change. Succeed.” And this is the process that I use to accomplish my goals or resolutions.

  1. Decide.
    • Decide on a goal. Be as specific as possible. Include what you want to accomplish and when you want to accomplish it.
    • Decide on an action plan. This is the HOW. Break down your action plan into daily and weekly activities. I encourage you to plan to do something every day (7 days a week) towards your goal. This keeps your goal at the forefront of your mind everyday.
  2. Commit to the process. No matter how hard it gets, no matter how many times you fall, no matter how much it feel as if you are not making progress, KEEP GOING. FORGIVE yourself. Do not give up or give in. Make a contract with yourself and remind yourself of your commitment daily.
  3. Change.
    • Change your mind. Believe that you can do this. Believe that you have already been given all you need to do this. And whatever you don’t have will be provided at just the right time.
    • Change the people who are around you. Create a mastermind group for yourself. Your mastermind group should include: an encourager, a cheerleader, an accountability partner, a prayer partner, and a success story (someone who has been there and done that).
    • Change your environment. Make sure your environment is conducive to your goal. If you want to lose weight, remove junk food from your environment. If you want to read more, purchase books and place them in your car, on your nightstand, in the living room. Place them everywhere you will be so that you can be reminded of your goal.
  4. Succeed – Keep going until you achieve success. No one said it will be easy, but if you keep going, it will be worth it!

Now is NOT the time to create resolutions. Now is the time to create an action plan to accomplish whatever goal you have in mind. Don’t just talk about it, be about it.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nana

    Please am ready to work and get money online.please I need money to continue my education please

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