You can’t do it alone

One of the best things I’ve done for myself is hiring an accountability coach.

An accountability coach does exactly what the name implies – hold you accountable to the things you said you would do.

The first question that pops into most people’s mind is “can’t I just get a friend to do this?” Yes, you can. But can your friend truly hold you accountable and you be receptive to it?

That was a hard truth that I had to come to terms with. Although I love and cherish my friends, my friends also love and cherish me and will not always give me the tough love that I need. Mostly because we are struggling with the same thing. As a result, we give each other extended grace and too many excuses.

But hiring an accountability coach changed the game for me. My coach is someone who is not emotionally connected to me. But she is invested in my success because she can’t be successful if I am not success. So it’s in her best interest to hold me accountable.

Now, this doesn’t mean that she is kicking my butt every chance she gets. She is wise enough to balance holding my feet to the fire while extending enough grace to allow me to be human. And that is the right mix that I need to maintain a pace that feels good to me that won’t overwhelm me mentally or emotionally. One of the boundaries that I setup when we first started working together is that I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my workout time. This was a habit that I developed previously that I did not want to happen again. My health is still my priority. Which means that I may not move as fast as other people. But the quality of my journey is superb. 

Let this be a reminder to intentionally build your tribe that will ensure your success. You can’t take this journey alone. And if you’ve been struggling with maintaining balance and maintaining momentum towards your goals, I encourage you to find an accountability coach to help ensure your overall well-being and success. 


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