Why was owning my brilliance such a struggle for me?

For a long time, I struggled with accepting my own brilliance. Not just my intelligence level, but my own beauty, my own talent, and my own light from within. I had no problem acknowledging the brilliance in other women around me. But when it came to acknowledging my own brilliance and celebrating myself, I couldn’t.

I struggled with this because in so many ways, I was taught that it was more desirable and acceptable for women to shrink back . . . to not speak up . . . to not be too loud or too proud . . . to blend in and not draw too much attention. You don’t want people to think that you were arrogant or stuck up, or, worse yet – un-ladylike or un-christian-like . . .

So that was how I operated most of my life.

But, I can tell you this . . . the more I matured and began to form my own beliefs and way of being, the more I grew away from well-meaning advice and teachings and stepped fully in my power, my purpose, and my brilliance.

At this stage in my life, I don’t seek to be accepted or liked by everyone. I simply gravitate towards my own tribe of women who are more like me – women who are bold, who are living life by their own rules, and women who are clear about why they are and where they are going.

All of my ideas, thoughts, and beliefs have evolved in a way that makes may my beliefs unpopular, but makes me more in alignment with who I was created to be. And I am unapologetic about that.

This is my season to own every single ounce of brilliance I’ve been blessed with.

This is my season to come out of hibernation and go after everything that is divinely mine.

This is my season to leave my mark and create my legacy.

And if this makes you uncomfortable . . . this may be God calling you to a higher level (growth is often uncomfortable)

But if this excites you because you’re on a similar journey to new awarenesses, a new consciousness, and a new way of being that owns every ounce of your brilliance, let me know by leaving a “YES Girl!” in the comments!  And let’s take this journey together!

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