Pressuring others to perform

Be careful about making the men you date and marry your god.

As a Christian woman or as a woman who considers herself spiritual, you may have certain expectations when you envision the man you are to marry. We all want someone to be there for us, to love us, and support us. But don’t look towards your man to do for you only what God can do for you. Don’t look for your man or your friends to pour into you only what God can pour back into you.

Sometimes, when we go through things or when we feel weak in our lives, we look to those who are closest to use to encourage us and to lift us up.

However, I propose that you first go to God and allow him to encourage you.

Allow Him to lift you up.

Allow Him to pour back into you.

Now, God can speak to you and build you up in a number of ways, including using those closest to you. But the mistake we make is that we go to our friends first, or to our partners first, or to our spouses first – before we go to God. Then we become disappointed when they don’t say or do the right things. Then we become disappointed because we’ve talked to them for over an hour and you still feel just as bad as you did before you went to them.

Relationships with people are important.

But never forget that the most important relationship is your relationship with God! God is your provider! God is your healer! God is your way maker! God is your comforter! God is your Shepherd! God is!

Allow God to use people in your life the way HE wants to use them, not how YOU want them to be used. You allow God to do this by first casting all your cares and worries on him, then be still, and allow him to bring to you the right words, the right person, and the right solution to you. It may not be your partner’s place or gift to pray with you or to speak encouraging words to you. He may not be spiritually equipped, gifted, or mature to give you what you need when you need it. That is why you must go to the Source first, and allow God to bring to you what you need, when you need, through both conventional and unconventional means.

When we lean on our partners for spiritual support, we inadvertently put undue pressure on them to perform in ways they weren’t meant to perform.

So give him a break. He is not and cannot be your god. There is only one God who can fulfill all of your needs.


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