Maintaining what you’ve obtained

What goals do you want to accomplish within the next 6 or 12 months?

You may want to get promoted to the next level of leadership within your company. You may want to land your first million dollar contract. Or you may want to successfully launch your business.

Here’s a little known fact: The road that will lead you from where you are now to where you want to be is full of obstacles, setbacks, and failures.

No matter how big or small your goal is, your road to success will have oppositions and roadblocks.

It’s easy for some pople to think that too many roadblocks is a sign that you’re on the wrong road or that you made a wrong decision. But, more times than not, that’s not the case.

The purpose and the presence of roadblocks is to fully prepare you for where you’re going. When you develop the mental strength, the intestinal fortitude, and the laser focus that’s necessary to overcome each of these barriers, you will be prepared not only to obtain success, but to SUSTAIN your success.

It’s not enough to just obtain success. The real objective is to maintain your success. You want to keep what you’ve worked so hard to get. Think of your goals like a house. It takes work to get a house. You have to work to save the money. You have to work to build your credit score. And you have to work to get through all of the paperwork to actually purchase the house. The process of actually buying the house takes patience, time, energy, and focus.

When the purchase is complete, does the work stop? NO!! Now you have to maintain the house. There is work you must continue to do to keep the house you’ve worked so hard to obtain.

The same is true with any of your personal or professional goals. You have to continue to do the work in order to maintain your reward.

Now is not the time to lean back. Now is not the time to take it easy. Now is not the time to get comfortable.

How exactly do you maintain what you’ve worked so hard to obtain?

  1. Whatever it took for you to obtain your goal, you must continue doing that. It’s almost like marriage. Whatever you did in the beginning to get your wife (husband) is the same thing you have to do to keep your wife (husband).
  2. Pull out the weeds. Do not let the weeds of other people infringe on your property. Weeds are simply distractions – things that pretend to be more important than what they really are to pull you away from what’s really important. When you notice weeds growing, immediately take inventory and pull them up.
  3. Water your yard. Although you’ve obtained your goal, you still need to nourish it. This means that you must continue with the personal development. Continue looking for ways to improve and add value to what you’ve obtained. And continue to build relationships with others with whom you can call for advice and help when you need it.

These are just a few of the things you must do to maintain what you’ve obtained.

Take a look at the goals you’re working hard to obtain. What do you need to do in order to maintain your success? Remember, success is not a destination, it’s a journey.

~Sherica A. Matthews

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