Love & Trust Gone Wrong

Have you ever said “Things couldn’t possibly get any worse?” and then God took that as a personal challenge?? 😳

Yeah . . . I felt that way a couple of years ago.

The pictures that you see is the result of love and trust gone wrong. I let someone borrow my car who had neither the means nor the resources to even pay the insurance deductible after he wrecked my car.


And this was after:

– I was laid off from my full-time job.
– I twisted my ankle while running.
– My house flooded due to an old hose on the washing machine.
– I was fired from a job for being “too good” (I wouldn’t believe this if this didn’t actually happen to me!)
– And then the car wreck . . .
– And then the drama that ensued afterwards that included drugs in my house and multiple visits from the police to my house . . . and it all ended with me either giving away everything or selling everything to move here to Chicago with a rental car, my dog, and a suitcase. . .

Never in a million years did I think I would have so much bad fortune and SO MUCH DRAMA in my life – over a relatively short period of time. But the saying is true, you never know how strong you can be until you HAVE TO be strong.

Be let me tell you this – strength doesn’t come from having it easy all the time. Wisdom doesn’t come from listening to older people talk. Strength and Wisdom comes from all of the experiences you’ve survived and lived to tell about it.

I’ve learned so much about myself, about God, and what I am capable of.

But, I must admit that bouncing back from that time period wasn’t nearly has glorious as I thought it would be. I struggled for almost year with getting a solid foundation within myself and my life back on track.

However, that year was necessary for me to clean up and CLEAN OUT all of the mental, emotional, and spiritual stuff that wouldn’t serve me in the next chapter of my life. It wasn’t pretty. But it was oh, so necessary.

The result is that the woman I am today – she is truly phenomenal!

✔️ My bounce back game is quick and STRONG!
✔️ I don’t fear failure anymore because failure doesn’t define me. It REFINES ME!
✔️ My confidence is on 1000!! Not just my confidence with how I look in the mirror. But my confidence in who I am as a woman – the TOTAL PACKAGE!
✔️ I have a posture about myself that allows me to strut when I walk into any room – yet make any person feel comfortable and at home with me.
✔️ I am solid in who I am, make no apologies for how I show up in this world, and am 100% clear on my worth.
✔️ I am truly unstoppable. Nothing can keep me away from my promotion, my elevation, my love, my success, my purpose, my happiness, or anything that has my name on it. And I’m coming for it ALL!

The story I shared with you is just the cliff’s notes version of everything that I had to endure over the course of 12-18 months. And maybe one day I’ll share the details of my story.

But, until then – this is what I want you to take away from this:
🔹 God will never put more on you than what you can bear – even though things seem painful, embarrassing, hard, and unbearable;
🔹 You are much stronger than you ever thought you were – God just needs to prove it to you;
🔹 There really is a purpose to Every.Single.Thing. you experience. Don’t miss the lesson being busy complaining about how hard things are.
🔹 Don’t ever give up on yourself. No matter how hard things get. You are a warrior. You’ve fought for everyone else. Now is the time to fight for yourself.

🔹You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Don’t neglect your spirit during this time. And you are a woman – full of grit, grace, resiliency, and power. Don’t forget who you are!



This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Tiffany Stone

    Sherica what a testimony! Your business and blogs are amazing!Thank you for your encouraging posts!!

    (Your classmate from Bellevue Jr High)

    1. Sherica A. Matthews

      Thank you Tiffany! I’m glad that my blogs are encouraging for you!!

  2. Angela HIll

    Encouraging. Needed to hear this! Thank you!

    1. Sherica A. Matthews

      I’m glad that this was right on time for you!

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