Limits only exist in your mind

As you may know by now, I am hooked on indoor cycling. There is just something about the community, accountability, and encouragement that has me jumping out of bed at 4:30 AM.

The funny part about my journey is that my reflection in the mirror and the scale both reflect back to me how much I am making positive changes in my body. But, during and after most of my rides, I always feel like I could have done better and that I had poor performance for that particular ride. And without fail, after what I think is the hardest ride so far and my weakest performance so far, my stats are usually the best I’ve had so far.

I share this to say that 99% of your limits are in your mind. And you are the only one who are override those limits.

  1. Use your words (verbally or silently) to tell yourself that you can do this. You are strong enough. You are smart enough. You are resourceful enough. You are whatever you need to be to do whatever you need to do.
  2. Push past your comfort zone. You have to get outside of what feels good and easy. You have to dwell in that sliver of space between your comfort zone and your uncomfortable zone. This is where you stretch what you think you can do – just a little. When you do so, you give your brain new evidence. And your brain moves the bar of what it thinks you can do just a little bit higher.

That’s it. It’s not rocket science. But it takes intention to push past your limits and retrain your brain. A brain that has been stretched can never go back to its previous state. Remember that.

What are some limits you’ve been wrestling with? Use the comments section below and let me help you create a plan to stretch past your limits a little at a time.

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