Are you afraid of a broken heart?

Are you afraid of getting your heart broken?

In a recent conversation, I made the statement that I am not afraid of getting my heart broken. Now, I’m not going to choose to put myself in a situation knowing that I’ll get my heart broken. But if I do, I have no fear of it.


Because I’ve had my heart broken in ways that should have broken me completely. Yet, I’m still here, happy and whole.

Because I’ve had the experience of having a broken heart and I’ve experienced the healing power of God, I have no fear because I know that God heals.

It takes experience to know that God heals you after a broken heart.

It takes experience to know that God restores you after a major loss.

It takes experience to know that God provides for you when you can’t provide for you and your family.

When you have the knowledge and the experience that you can survive anything that comes your way AND you can thrive afterwards, you have nothing to fear.

Think about the things you’re afraid of. Are you afraid of heartbreak? Failure? Embarrassment? Losing money? Illness?

Are you afraid of these things because you are not remembering how you’ve overcome adversities in the past? It’s time for you to remember and be confident and unafraid.

Or, are you afraid because you don’t have the experience to know that God is truly faithful in the midst of these adversities? If so, are you willing to take a chance, step into the unknown, and put yourself in a position to experience the faithfulness and the miracles of God?

Fear has no place in your life. Fear only has the power that you give it. Are you ready to take away the power and stronghold fear has had on your life?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Daria Piotrowski

    Powerful reminder! We must remember that we can survive and thrive – nothing to fear. Thank you Sherica!

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