The blessing in the solitude

There is a blessing in the solitude.

There is healing in the solitude.

There is clarity in the solitude.

During one of the most difficult times in my life, I was moved away from everything familiar – my family, my friends, even my job. Although it was only a temporary situation, that was one of most difficult years of my life. But it was also one of the most transformative years of my life.

When I got done crying and feeling sorry for myself, I was finally able to hear from God and receive all the things I had been praying for. I was able to learn how to heal my broken heart. Restore my finances. Get my health back on track. And get some clarity on the series of events that just happened in my life. All because I was forced to shut out the noise of the outer world and focus on my inner world.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself because you’re not surrounded by tons of friends and family this holiday season. Use this season to grow, to heal, to forgive, and to deepen your faith. Use this time to tap into the inner strength of your soul (a strength you may not even recognize you have) so that when you come out of this season, you are centered, grounded, and ready to take on the next season.

Embrace your season of solitude and claim your blessings!


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