Staying Positive when you’re really going through it

You’ve heard me say it and I’m sure you’ve heard other people say it – Stay positive. Especially when you’re going through hard times or experiencing disappointment.

But, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not always easy to stay positive. Pain is real. Brokenheartedness is real. And while you  know with your head that all things are working together for your good, your heart doesn’t always agree with it.

So how do you stay positive when you’ve been laid off for over a year? How do you stay positive when your business isn’t doing well? How do you stay positive when you’ve been passed over for that promotion?

  1. Be OK with not seeing the silver lining in every situation. Oftentimes, the silver lining won’t be revealed until after the fact. So if you can’t find a reason to be positive when your bank account is in the negative, it’s OK.
  2. Acknowledge how you feel. Don’t try to ignore it or suppress it. What you resist, persists.
  3. If you need to, take some time and be in your feelings. Cry. Fuss. Do whatever you need to do to get it out of your system. But give yourself a time limit. You only want to be in your feelings for a moment, not a lifetime.
  4. Instead of finding something positive about your situation, take your focus off of it and place your focus somewhere else that makes you feel good.

    Go dancing.
    Take a nap
    Spend time with a baby.
    Play with a puppy.

    Do something else that takes your mind off of the problem and feel good for the moment. When you’re able to feel good and shift your mind away from the problem, you’re more likely to find a solution now that you have more clarity and you’re less emotional.


Being positive doesn’t mean pretending that everything is alright. Being positive means shifting your mind away from the negative, feel good in the moment, then coming back with clarity so that you can see your way out or find a solution.


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