Problems and Solutions

Stop telling your God how big your problems are. Instead, tell your problems how big your God is.

The reason many of us often feel hopeless, defeated, and discouraged is because we spend most of our time and energy staring so long at the problem that we never look at the solution.

Whatever you give your attention and focus to grows.

Think about caring for a plant. The more time and attention you give to a plant, the bigger, stronger, and healthier it grows.

Problems are the same way. The more time you spend looking at it, talking about it, and focusing on it, the bigger it grows. The stronger it gets. And deeply rooted it becomes.

But when you shift your focus to the solution, the problem shrinks in size. As your problem shrinks, your hope grows. The stronger you feel. And you’ll begin to see the solution show up in your life.

Even if you are unclear about what the solution is, just focus on the solution giver – God.

Remember, who knows the mind of God but the Spirit of God. You have the spirit of God dwelling within you. Which means the solution to every problem you’ll ever encounter is already within and you have access to it. You just have to shift your focus from your external problem to your internal, God-focused solution.


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